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  • Writer's pictureToby

Season of Gratitude

Touts mes amis! It's been so long since we talked! Today I want you to see in written words how unbelievably grateful I am for what's been happening in my life. Here is a brief rundown of just the last week and a half:

  1. Drove to Louisiana to see family. Got to watch my kiddos play with their cousins. They picked up right where they left off.

  2. Signed books at Barnes and Noble on the Westbank. Everyone was so lovely, staff and readers alike. Felt all warm and tingly despite the cold and wet.

  3. Returned home with a turducken my mom won (only in Louisiana). Brined my turkey, cooked it for Thanksgiving, made a stock out it, threw all that stock and left over turkey in a gumbo, and then made the turducken for different get together a day later!

  4. Continued our holiday tradition of decorating the house the day after the turkey. Watching the wonder in the kids eyes as the ornaments and lights go up makes me realize how wonderful things can be if you just let them.

I hope your life is full of things you can't help but be grateful for. If it ever doesn't feel that way, drop me a line so we can talk. Our conversation will give me one more thing to be grateful for.

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